Don’t belittle or make fun of him in front of the kids. Try not to belittle or make fun of him in public. Here are some practical ways to communicate what every man wants to hear: Ask his opinion and listen to what he has to say. “So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” Ephesians 5:33 Click To Tweet Even after all of these years, I still respect you. Here are 5 Important Things Every Man Wants to Hearġ) I Respect You! As a man, as a person, as a dad, as a husband, as you are – I respect and admire you. Within 10 minutes, I had an incredible list! And, so, I offer you the wisdom of this great man I’ve lived with for almost 30 years now. I had to write as fast as I could write to keep up with him. He immediately gave me a list of 5 things he loves to hear and would love to hear more often. My very laid-back, calm, easy-going, slow-speaking husband from Texas didn’t hesitate.I asked: “Honey, I’m writing an article about ‘5 Important Things Every Man Wants to Hear.’ Do you have any suggestions for my article?” Click To Tweetĥ Important Things Every Man Wants to Hear It was one of the most unusual moments I can remember in our entire marriage. I decided to pose a question to him about one of my upcoming blogs. My husband and I were driving home from a trip and spending a lot of time in the car.